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Far Cry

realistic animals


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I'm suprised I didn't find mod for this. I think animals are overpowerd, I'd like a mod that would make animals much weaker. I just downloaded Ziggys mod and about to start a new game, so it would be nice if it would be compatible with this mod. Thank you in advance if anybody is going to do this : )

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I think this problem is because the stims on the animals (piercing, etc) are set at unrealistic values. I'm guesing they did this for what they considered "game balance" and pumped up the animals so they could close distance with the player and pounce on you before you could kill them with guns. Most mod makers probably haven't adjusted animals because large sections are undefined and no one has taken the time to isolate which fields to change. It shouldn't be too hard if compared against NPCs.

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