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Apachii Hair on Specific NPC


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I'm looking for a way to put Apachii hair onto a single, specified NPC.

Specifically, I'm trying to put the first type of Apachii hair (the one Apachii uses as the magazine cover on the mod's page) onto Ria. (Black colored hair)


**I'm aware that there is an "Apachii Hair for NPCs" mod, but I don't want to mod every single NPC - Plus I use a UNP body and the dark face glitch apparently can't be fixed with that body type - So I'd rather not use this mod**


Whether it's with CK, NPC Editor or some other way, how would I accomplish this? Or would it not be possible?

Thanks in advance guys!

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-- Download and install the Apachii hair mod.

-- Follow this tutorial subsection on making a mod dependent upon another mod -- http://isharameradin.zxq.net/MakingAPlayerBasedMannequin.html#ESPparents

---- Pay attention only to step 5 since the Apachii hair mod is an ESM by default.

-- Open the Creation Kit

-- Select Apachii Hair in the data files and press Ok

-- Locate the NPC in question in the Object Window & open up the Actor record.

-- Read this tutorial subsection -- http://isharameradin.zxq.net/MakingAPlayerBasedMannequin.html#GCHEetc

---- Pick your hair from the Apachii hairs in the list

-- Save the plugin

-- Read this tutorial subsection -- http://isharameradin.zxq.net/MakingAPlayerBasedMannequin.html#MakeMannDirty

---- Ignore the fact that it is talking about a mannequin (a mannequin is an actor just like any other NPC, instructions still apply)

---- Highlight your actor in the Object Window and press Ctrl+F4 -- See steps 14 thru 17



Everything should work properly.


And I have no clue where you heard that the "grey face bug" can't be fixed with the UNP body. I use UNP body and have had no issues in solving any "grey face bugs".

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