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Should I get Open Cities?


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Or should I try regular city altering mods?

How bad are the bugs with open cities? I have read the readme and faq but I want to hear peoples opinions

I would love open cities for places like riften, markarth, and solitude but I am in love with my whiterun enhancements and my windhelm enhancements...

What do you guys think?

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It obviously depends on how many mods you already run since a mod like Open Cities tend to have a fair amount of conflicts with other mods.


Get it if your plugin-list is small.

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I have a beast system, with no overclocking


i7 3770k Stock Speeds



The reason I asked is because I am making a dragonborn playthrough and wonder if I could make compatibility patch for some of the city enhancement mods and open cities.

I know that Open Cities has quite a few conflicts

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