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Heresy in Skyrim: Cults of Chaos Takeover


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Here is a rough outline for a idea I thought would be cool for a new faction and questline crossing lore from Warhammer with that of Elder scrolls.




"Dismantle the false gods! Dethrone the feeble princes! Death to the Daedra and Divine alike!"

A Warp rift has mysteriously formed over Tamriel giving rise to the worship of the goods of chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeetnch, Slaanesh. The chaos gods beckon warriors from all across Skyrim offering great, unmatchable power in exchange for the strengthening of their influence through out the land. Become a chaos cultist and complete varying tasks in devotion to the gods.


-craft Chaos armor and weapons, living armor hungry for carnage, richly adorned with sister chains, spikes, and chaotic icons. Made from ebony, dragon scales and daemon flesh.

-raid temples of the divines and desecrate daedric shrines

-wage battles with imperial legions daemon hunters who hope to supress the heretics

-partake in covert ops, unleashing plague flies, contaminating food and water reserves of the enemy.

-quest for magical artifacts and preform rituals to gain knowledge and power from the lord of change

-Blood for the blood god! Collect skulls for the skull throne! :D With enough skulls make an offering and summon a blood thirster of Khorne into battle.


Advance through the new "Champion of Chaos" perk tree. Point are gained in completing cultist quests. Advancement unlocks unique abilities and also progressively alters your appearance, skin becoming pale, eyes glow, and horns grow. Perks include the powers to summon lesser daemons, temporarily boost health and melee damage, escape into warp rifts (acts as fast traveling out of any situation or location), and banish enemies to the warp. The final ability is to transform into a Daemon prince. A daemon prince works much like a Vampire lord, but lesser cumber-sum to play as, with looting enabled but less abilities. As this mighty Daemon warrior you wield a very power daemon sword in one hand and in the other a spell that casts warp energy that turns enemies into wretched spawn that will attack its companions or simply perish.


And that is the most I've come up with. I hope you like at least some of these ideas, might not be so interesting if you're not a warhammer fan. I feel everything described is somewhat doable but would be a ridiculous amount of work. If any of you talented modders even consider this you have my praise. Regardless, I implore anyone who views this to share your thoughts and opinions. Thanks!

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