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Fraps fixes mouse problem?


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When I try to play skyrim, I basically can't because I get really bad headaches. When the mouse is moved sideways or vertically the screen jerks badly, and when moved at a diagonal it stairsteps to such a degree that I get terrible ghosting where I see double everything and Is gives me the headache. My computer puts out around 35-40 frames per second so that's not the issue (considering I play DayZ at around 15-25 fps normally). I have set mouse smoothing to zero in .inf btw.


Here is the weird part:

I decided to record with fraps to make a video so that I could post it for help showing my specific problem. I set fraps to 60fps recording (so that I cound capture the stairstepping flawlessly) half screen size. Then I started recording. To my (horror?) astonishment skyrim suddenly was as silky as the xbox. No stair stepping (My fps actually shot up to 43?) no glitching and I ran around in circles for a minute as I was confused as to why it was working perfectly when I tried to catch it. I mean it stil has a *slight* stairstep and glitch, but that is probably due to my computer processing.

This is perfect, the game works AND I get to record it! But... at an amazing 800mb per minute recording rate that does not work so well for my poor laptop.

Can ANYONE give me insight as to why this happens? Obviously my computer can play it beautifully if I give it more work to do.. or something.


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Your computer doesn't 'put out ' FPS. It will try to run at as high an fps as it can based on the graphics card and graphics it is trying to render. fps is just a representation of how fast it is able to render those particular graphics. Note the xbox is capped at 30fps which does help some with maintaining a smooth game play. (TV and movies are both LESS than 30 fps.)


It sounds to me as if you are trying to get more graphics detail than your card is capable of.

First be sure your graphics card is set to the native resolution of the monitor - trying to push a monitor or gpu to a higher resolution can cause jerkiness also.


I would also look at the mouse driver - make sure you are not running a Logitec mouse using a Microsoft driver.


Lots more on how to improve performance here. http://s1.zetaboards.com/bbenlibrary/topic/4751769/1/#new

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Your computer doesn't 'put out ' FPS. It will try to run at as high an fps as it can based on the graphics card and graphics it is trying to render. fps is just a representation of how fast it is able to render those particular graphics. Note the xbox is capped at 30fps which does help some with maintaining a smooth game play. (TV and movies are both LESS than 30 fps.)


It sounds to me as if you are trying to get more graphics detail than your card is capable of.

First be sure your graphics card is set to the native resolution of the monitor - trying to push a monitor or gpu to a higher resolution can cause jerkiness also.


I would also look at the mouse driver - make sure you are not running a Logitec mouse using a Microsoft driver.


Lots more on how to improve performance here. http://s1.zetaboards.com/bbenlibrary/topic/4751769/1/#new

For a moderator, you sure don't read the opening posts often, do you. Not once does the person say that he needs to "put out more FPS", and the person obviously is not try to "get more graphics detail" because Skyrim runs fine with FRAPS, and FRAPS doesn't change your detail levels at all. I don't like that there's just a link to some random forum run by you in your signature also.


Oh, and by the way, it's Logitech, not Logitec.


@Belial666 Skyrim doesn't have on-the-fly quality switching, and FRAPS doesn't actually change graphics quality because it doesn't matter to FRAPS, which will have the same load no matter what. The reason is bercause FRAPS works by taking a certain amount of screenshots per second (60 if frame-locked to 60 FPS) so any additional graphical detail rendered in Skyrim does not actually affect the video, 1920x1080 will still be 1920x1080 for example.

Edited by gyroknight
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Thanks for the replies!

Frame limit could be the solution? I mean. i set the fraps framerate to 60 so that fraps would be recording faster than my computer was playing. So i dont think limiting to 60 helped me with my 35 fps.

Skyrim did not lower the settings. It kept everything at extreme range and high quality for the video. I was going to upload it, but the 250k limit stopped that..

Perhaps some sort of limiter to 30fps might be what i need though? But why would that change the way the mouse moves, it doesnt matter if i move it quickly or barely at all.



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Ill use a digicam to show you guys what it does without fraps. It moves like its on a grid. It doesnt matter if im wippin the mouse around or barely barely moving it at all. I turn my DPI way down and use my sniper button and try to move the mouse and it will stay in one spot, then jump to another grid spot. Its completely regardless of the framerate and such. Ill try to do that this evening.



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