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Thieves Guild Armor Texture?


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I have a question: what's the name of the texture files for thieves guild armor's boots, hood and gloves?


I am having problem with those parts being brown, which looks awful because my thieves guild armor (replaced) is black. But if I look at my textures folder, the ones for thieves guild armor are all black. Where did they get those brown textures anyway? Can't find the meshes file for the those parts of the thieves guild armor either, only the ones for the cuirass, as they were not replaced.

Edited by BGatot
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these are the default locations for the textures, if you are using the default meshes:





depending on what mods you might have, the location can be anything else. Textures can be set in the nif, and in the CK (CK settings override nif settings). Not to mention that you might have some mod with nifs/textures packed inside a BSA. Since my crystal ball is out of batteries, I'm unable to provide any further detail.



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