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Law and Order!


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In the contrarian question of a previous topic, I want to ask about the quests of light, law and order.


I have already destroyed the dark brotherhood by killing Astrid instead of the captives.


Now I have my eye set on the Thieves Guild and the Blackbriars. Are there any quests I haven't discovered yet to destroy them?


What about any other law and order type quests?

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Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about the Thieve's Guild and Maven. The most you can do is steal her horse to screw with her, which is not exactly supporting law and order. The best you can do is save her son's former girlfriend by lying to him, which is not entirely consistent with strict lawful-good behavior. I would consider some of the Daedra quests to be supportive of law-and-order. Meridia, Azura, Vermina, and Malacath quests send you out after true bad actors, though you have to be careful not to listen to Vermina's instructions at the end. Betraying Namira lets you do good, but does require you to use an innocent priest as bait, which is discomforting.

Edited by BrettM
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