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Summonable door leading to a location


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Ive been trying to figure out how to create a spell that will summon a temporary door. The door leads to a location at an entrance to that location. When you exit the location, you are placed right where you summoned the door, and the summoned door would be gone when you returned. This is probably way more complex than I had originally though, because I have not found any mods that do this for skyrim. There was one for oblivion, and I am trying to model a mod after that. Any help would be appreciated.

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Here is a reference to a mod that was in Oblivion that I am trying to model after... http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=oblivionmods.detail&id=1837 I really liked this mod, and if it could be created in Oblivion, Im suprised nothing like it has been made for skyrim. If there is a mod like this, can anyone point me in its direction? Or help me determine a way to go about making it?

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