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A twisted vertice in Blender and Nifskope

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From time to time i get something like twisted vertices / faces, after extruding / manipulating vertices in Blender.

It only becomes visible later in Nifskope (and of course ingame):



I'm a bit embarrassed, but i don't know whatz causing it, nor how i can denie or fix it, but i'm doing anything wrong obviously.

Does anyone have an explanation?

... somehow i hope it's not a noob-mistake ;D ...


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nope, thatz not it.

i'm not sure, but i think it can only be fixed in Blender, not in Nifkope ... :ermm: ...

those half-shaded faces don't even use the texture. Tho the rest of the mesh works correctly (double-sided, transparent, whatever ... everything else works normal) ... these dumb little distorted faces seem to be twisted somehow, and they won't go ! >:(



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