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Phoenix Shout - Cross between the Hulk and the Human Torch


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I was trying to come up with a funky new shout and this came to me. I have no modding skills at all though, so I'll leave it here if anyone wants to flesh it out.


Ideally, all three parts of the shout would be obtained from three different unique dragons. I have no idea if the dragon speak used in the game could be translated, but the first syllable would be for "Hands and Feet", the second for "Chest and Legs" and the third for "Head"


The idea is that the death of the three dragons confers certain pyro-based skills to the player., but these abilities are only triggered at the conclusion of the shout if the affected body parts are unclothed/unarmed. This way, the player can mix and match the effects to create different and specific dynamics:


Hands - the player gains concussive punching power with unarmed attacks, doing bonus fire damage and knockback

Feet - the player gains the ability to jump great distances (steerable with the camera if possible)


Chest - the body becomes awash in flame and gets a percentage based change to reflect melee and ranged damage as a retaliatory fireball strike

Legs - the player's movement speed is greatly increased


Head - Two part effect. One, any received magic damage has a % chance to be converted to a small health gain, and two, the other body part effects are intensified and altered:

- Hands - the intensity of the fire damage is increased as well as knockback strength

- Feet - the player's jump is increased even slightly farther and upon landing the player does aoe explosive damage

- Chest - the % chance to reflect damage is increased

- Legs - the movement speed is increased even further, possibly leaving a trail of fire in their wake that can damage enemies


Care should be made not to make this too god-like though, and the recharge time should be fairly lengthy so it can't be used too often.





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