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NPC Smiths, Alchemists, Enchanters?


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I'm not really sure how to start this post off, but here's the idea. As a single person, it's both difficult (as far as levelling goes) and unrealistic for my character to be a smith, an enchanter, and an alchemist. To be skilled at every craft, I would have to be garbage at combat. Yes, there are merchants that sell wares, but I don't feel like that goes far enough, and it totally disregards enchanters. I was wondering, is it possible for NPC's to actually take requests and craft, rather than just sell items? Here's some ideas I've been milling around for the past few months..

Alchemist NPCs:
-Players go to them and make potion/poison requests with the desired potion effects.

-You can either give them the ingredients they'll need, or you can wait a day for them to gather the ingredients themselves.

-Requests can include potency of potions/poisons, such as a paralysis poisons that is either 5, 10, or 20 seconds long.

-Player can order more than one at a time


Smith NPCs:

-Players can request craftable weapons or armors from smiths, including items only available through crafting.

-Players can also pay for weapon/armor reinforcements.

-Weapon/Armor requests take 2-5 days to be completed


Enchanter NPCs:

-Players can pay to have their weapons/armors enchanted/renamed

-players can pay extra to get a second enchantment, or maybe even a third

-Enchanters can remove effects from enchanted items and make them regular


I would love to do this myself, but I'm just an inexperienced highschooler. What do you folks think?

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