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Unrestricted Enchanting?


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If it's that simple, I can certainly do that. Thanks!


As far as DLC enchants go, there's one that I BELIEVE is from Dawnguard, I can't recall its actual name but it gives something like + to melee attacks (maybe 2h?) and ignores armor. Far as I know, it can only be enchanted on a ring. Like I said, trying to load one of the DLC .esms in CE crashes it for me. how do I edit that one?

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If you want to make that enchant learnable, you have to edit the base item that has that enchant and remove the "MagicDisallowEnchanting" keyword from it. That will allow the ring to be disenchantable, and you can learn the enchant.


However, if it wasn't meant to be disenchanted, it's very possible it could have the improper data set up for it's Magic Effect. Normally they do have proper data.. If it's apparel, it doesn't matter so much, but if it's not properly set up, it won't scare with enchanting perks or anything, or even allow it to be disenchanted at all (Like the Vampire Rings)


Which is why Enchanting Freedom added a bazillion new Magic Effects so that it scales properly.


You can learn the enchant, and place it on whatever you want, but no promises it will scale properly. Could even be OP.


EDIT: To edit a DLC in the CK, you have to edit the Construction Set ini


Find SkyrimEditor.ini and make a backup


Then put this in there



SResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Update.bsa, Dawnguard.bsa, HearthFires.bsa, Dragonborn.bsa


Replacing HearthFires or Dragonborn or whatever if you don't have them, otherwise the CK will crash since those BSAs don't exist.

Edited by Miles Tails Prower
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Far as I know, the ring is disenchantable. I've given the item to myself via the game, and, without any sort of enchanting mods, I was able to DE it. Only enchants to rings though.


Damn dude, thank you so much for your help. I basically made you do all of this for me >< Feel so embarrassed lol.

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Yup, figured out what mod it is too, apparently. Levelers Tower, that's where I found it initially. But I can't find any reference to it in the editor lol. Ah well. Not a big deal, I only use it on one of my followers. Again, thanks a bunch for your help, you've been amazing!

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