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Fly Dragons with full control just like a horse


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Fly Dragons with full control just like a horse. Dragonborn ability to fly a dragon was so disappointing to me. They make the dragon circle around an area like they do when they are alone. I think that is lame. If you have control of a dragon it should be like a horse. You should be able to take it anywhere you would a horse with out having to fast travel, have the ability to attack and kill some thing along the way,or stop to explore. Some one please make this mod?!!!! Im begging you!!! I dont know how to mod!! Or I would make it my self.




Would be cool for it to work with out needing SKSE.

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Yeah, this thread isn't really necessary, a LOT of people already want this and are working on it, it's just extremely extremely extremely hard to get to work right.


Give it a few weeks/months, I'm sure a decent beta mod for it will pop up pretty soon now that dragonborn is out.

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