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Help needed - creating standalone reguard hoods with new textures


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I'm trying to make a series of six different-coloured versions of the Redguard hood for Khajiit. I already have the textures (redguardhatdb.dds), but I just can't seem to get the things to work. I've followed standard tutorials. To begin with, I've extracted the four files redguardhoodfkha_0.nif, redguardhoodfkha_1.nif, redguardhoodmkha_0.nif, redguardhoodmkha_1.nif from the textures meshes, opened each one in NIfskope and changed the main texture. I normally renamed the texture to something like khajiithoodgreen.dds, by the way, and save the nifs as khajiithoodgreen_0.nif, and so on. When I've done all four, I go into the CK and duplicate RedguardClothesHatKhaAA, open it, and apply the male and female _1.nifs under the male and female categories. This is where I start to notice something is not right, because I don't see any models in the preview window. Anyway, then I save, changing the name to KhajiitHoodGreenAA. Next I go to Armor and duplicate ClothesRedguardHood, open it, and change the model to KhajiitHoodGreenAA. Change the armor name to KhajiitHoodGreen, close. But then when I check the preview, I see the model, but it's still blue, and not the green version I saw in Nifskope. This is driving me nuts. I'm not a complete noob in the CK, but this is the first texture work I've done and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. As far as I can see, I'm following the tutorials. I'm sure it's something mind-numbingly obvious. Any help would be massively appreciated :-) Matt EDIT: Ooh, that's embarrassing. 'Redguard', not 'Reguard'.

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I'm a little confused by what you mean with "extracted the 4 files [...] from the textures". But if you dont see the models in the AA form it might be 2 things:


- wrong dismember partition

- improper Shader node


If you just want to edit textures, create first TextureSets, assign each set of DDS fles to a new one (you can use SkinHandMale_1 or SkinHandFemale_1 as a template for that, modify it, and when pressing OK, just say that you want to create a new form)


After that, duplicate RedguardClothesHatKhaAA any number of times you have created your TextureSets, and in each one assign a different one ofc. If you want it just to be usable by Khajiits, select the KhajiitRace under Race, and select KhajiitVampireRace on the additional ones.


After that, just do the same for the Armors, duplicate each armor, and correct the proper AA under models


This way you dont even need to edit the nif (unless ofc you want something different on it, like some alpha maps)

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Sorry, I meant 'extracted 4 files from the meshes'. I used BSA Unpacker to do that. I'm only planning to create six new versions of the Redguard Hood for Khajiits, and the original hood came with those four meshes.


Anyway, thanks. I'll see if I can work out how to create TextureSets and give that a go :-)

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