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Mods not working, all plugins disappeared! HELP!


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So, I was trying to move Fallout 4 to my HDD, and i knew that somethings would happen poorly.

Well, when I moved everything, all the plugins for every single mod I had was just gone, in a snap.

I moved the game back to my SSD (The main one) but that didn't fix anything.

And any time I install a mod, vortex just says the file is redundant!

When I re-install a mod, it deploys, but nothing appears in the plugins tab at all, and it just says the mod is redundant again!

I've tried redownloading some mods from the website, but, surprise surprise, nothing.


This is hell.


I probably should've made a backup.


Edit: I've looked into some of the files in the folder of mods

Nothing is inside a few, others have things in them.


Edit 2: So I found out that if I remove the mod, then re-install it in vortex, apparently that makes it work...

probably. We'll see once I launch the game.


Edit 3: HOLY s*** IT f***ing WORKED

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