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Swift Learner script not working


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I have been working on a mod that changes and adds new perks to the game.
I have come farily far but I have come across a problem with my code.
I wanted to change the perk 'Swift Learner' from increasing overall XP gained with 10% to a 75% XP gained when successfully hacking or lockpicking.
As I already have a script that change Global Settings such as 'iLevelsPerPerk' to 1.
But for some reason this same con_SetGameSetting does not seem to work on iXPRewardHackComputer... or iXPRewardPicklock...
Why? I will paste the code below.


scn NNVSwiftLearnerRank2SCRIPT

;Created 16/10/20, increases the XP gained when successfully hacking or lockpicking with 150%

BEGIN ScriptEffectStart

con_SetGameSetting iXPRewardHackComputer 50;
con_SetGameSetting iXPRewardHackComputerAverage 100;
con_SetGameSetting iXPRewardHackComputerEasy 75;
con_SetGameSetting iXPRewardHackComputerHard 125;
con_SetGameSetting iXPRewardHackComputerVeryEasy 50;
con_SetGameSetting iXPRewardHackComputerVeryHard 150;

con_SetGameSetting iXPRewardPickLock 50;
con_SetGameSetting iXPRewardPickLockAverage 100;
con_SetGameSetting iXPRewardPickLockEasy 75;
con_SetGameSetting iXPRewardPickLockHard 125;
con_SetGameSetting iXPRewardPickLockVeryEasy 50;
con_SetGameSetting iXPRewardPickLockVeryHard 150;

END; scripteffectstart



Thanks for any suggestions!

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Many (probably all) "unused" GMSTs are "leftovers" from previous TES games. Might not have been implemented in the FNV engine. There are specific examples where a prior game concept has been repurposed, such as "ingestibles" from "spells".


Also note that the "unused GMST" is "iXPRewardHackComputer" and not "iXPRewardHackComputer50", etc.. The name has to be an exact match (AFAIK). The latter is a new rather than existing GMST. For your own unique named "GMST equivalent" you need to look into "Auxiliary Variables" (AuxVars) from JIP NVSE. As "AuxVars" are actually arrays, they would appear to be more suited to your purpose.



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