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Error and Conflict Elimination


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After not playing any games for quite a few years I found Morrowind and its expansions at our second-hand store; in almost mint condition I might add. I got online and looked up mods for MW and discovered Nexus and installed the manager and began downloading mods. After some loading up on mods, fighting a little trial and error and learning how to manage and install mods properly things came togeather smoothly - besides a few small errors.


I read about loading the Construction Set and setting active files to eliminate warning.txt errors - I tried and do not quite understand, no results. Can sombody explain this in detail to me? Also, I have Morrowind Master file version 1.20; I have no idea how to get it to be 1.30. I belive this has a few things to do with my errors. It wont compile either; so I cant load and save.


Load Orders - I know what it is and what it does; but I would like a better explanation about load orders and how they work and how you can prevent and eliminate errors with a correct load order


Is the warning.txt a log of errors? Can I use this to track down a conflict? I honestly am too lazy to look at it to check.


With all the mods I have installed the one that seems to conflict with other large overhauls is the Balmora Expansion; I get errors about missing files for trees and flora. But this might be my personal errors with how I installed it.


One last thing came to mind...If one finds a combanation of Mods that work well togeather, is it safe to compile these togeather to make one larger plug-in? I mean groups- compile weapon mods togeather, small location mods, ect


Any help with these questions would be appriciated.

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