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List Improvements That G.E.C.K. Needs


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You can delete things from your ESP in the GECK. Just right click > delete and *bizzboop* it's deleted. Of course, you have to save, close, and reopen your ESP for the delete to take hold - it's a strange safety feature that prevents you from deleting things accidentally since you can "undelete" it until you save, close, and reopen.
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You can view what files an ESP adds/changes.


When you go to open an ESP file, click on it then click the DETAILS button next to SET AS ACTIVE FILE - this will show all records contained within the selected ESP.


You can also set records to be ignored upon loading, click on a record and press the delete key, you will be shown a message warning you about what you are doing and a I will show up next to the record (note some records will have this as default, ignore these they are just group types) - if you load an ESP that has records ignored in it, it will be loaded as if those files were never added/modified.


- to get 3DOG back to his annoying self, before you load your mod set his records to be ignored in your ESP, load it, then save it = no 3DOG modified by your mod


What the G.E.C.K. needs:

The ability to add enchantments to ammo as easily as you can to weapons, so you could have AP / HP / HE / EMP / Plasma etc. just by loading a different ammo instead of having to script-swap with a copy of the same damn gun that just has a different enchantment on it.

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A way to 'import' forms from other mods, WITHOUT the GECK making a local copy with a new FORMID. Basically replicate the overriding Master / plugin behavior, but between plugins, so we can have plugins that use global vars and scripts defined in other plugins. Right now it can be done using FO3Edit and its 'copy as override into...' functionnality, but everytime you edit the mod, the GECK will reset it to use local copies. Extremely annoying.
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