ouibonjour Posted October 23, 2020 Share Posted October 23, 2020 So I was playing with the LyrConf and the DEF_INV_TAGS of different Sorting mods (separately), and got myself an nice customized arrangement of tags and rollups that I like. However, they are a few things that I can't seem to be able to change and I'd like to know if it's feasible. 1. All rollups go at the bottom of the screen. For example if you create one for your Grenades or Explosives, you will have all of your items showing on top in Alphabetical order, then your Rollup called Explosives: 10mm Pistol A random AR weapon Baseball Bat Submachine gone (Suppressed) >>Explosives (53)I'd like to have it on top like : >>Explosives (53) 10mm Pistol A random AR weapon Baseball Bat Submachine gone (Suppressed)Is it possible to do so ? 2. It seems like all regular items (not I rollups), tagged or not, are placed in alphanumerical (or the opposite?) order : (10 > 11 > 1A > 1B > 20 > 3A > A > A1 > A14 > A2 > B > C > D) . However, when it comes to rollup, it seems like there is no numerical or alphabetical order. I tried prefixing my rollups with numbers or letters, and it does not affect their order. For example, they would appear like so : 10mm Pistol A random AR weapon Baseball Bat Submachine gone (Suppressed) >> D) Explosives (53) >> A) Melee Weapons (1) >> C) Pistols (11) >> B) Shotgunsor 10mm Pistol A random AR weapon Baseball Bat Submachine gone (Suppressed) >> 3. Explosives (53) >> 2. Melee Weapons (1) >> 1. Pistols (11) >> 4. Shotgunsetc It seems like the order is neither affected by its order in LyrConf, its Subfilter number, nor the amount of items in the rollup, nor the alpha-numerical first letter of the first item in the rollup. Do anyone knows what is the rule that is applied when it comes to their order ? And could it be changed or worked around ? 4. When I enter a Roll-Up, and I want to get back to the previous screen, my first reflex is to press (B) on my Xbox controller (on PC), as it's often the button for going back. However, it closes the Pipboy instead (makes sense, as it's also the button to close the Pipboy lol). Only other ways I found was pressing DPAD_Right to go to Apparel, the DPAD_Left to come back to Weapon (Regular), or press Select (or the button mapped to bringing the Pipboy), which gets out of the rollup and back to regular Weapons, but also reduces the size of the Pipboy. Is there a way to change it so that if I press (B) while inside a rollup, it goes back to the regular Weapon tab, then if I press it again it closes the PipBoy ? In the same way that B while inside an holotape will Go Back, then another time will close the Terminal/Holotape-Menu, then another time will close the Pipboy. 5. Speaking of order, do you know the exact order when it comes to tag and characters ? So far I noticed it goes like this : 01 10 1a 1b 2xyz 2z A1 A2 AA AB B (01) (10) (1a) (a1) (a2) [01] [10] [1a] [a1] [a2] {01} {10} {1a} {b1} {ba} Rollups (in whatever order)That being said, I'm wondering how the other characters are located in that order ( dots, coma, asterisk, ! , ^ , >> , - , underscore, + , minus, etc ) Is there a list somewhere ? 6. I'm able to edit most config files through Notepad++, but sometimes people say to modify things in the SWF files of the Interface folder. However, I'm not able to open/edit them. I know it's flash, so I downloaded the latest Flashplayer, but it only opens an empty grayed out window in Flashplayer and there is no way to edit anything. Is there a specific program I should use to open/edit those files ? Thanks a lot guys ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ouibonjour Posted October 23, 2020 Author Share Posted October 23, 2020 4) I found a fix that applies LB as the back buttons, which exits rollups back to regular tab. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14765/?tab=description&selected_game=1151&navtag=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout4%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fid%3D14765%26user%3D1%26gid%3D1151&pUp=16) I searched a lot more and found out that SWF needs to be decompiled and recompiled and that is crashes the game as soon as changes are made or file sizes differ. I think it my be beyond my capacibilities here lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ouibonjour Posted October 27, 2020 Author Share Posted October 27, 2020 I'll take that it's not really feasible ? :( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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