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Creation KitI fi


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Now I'm totally unsure where I sure be posting this since I'm new to this forum. However, I'm currently have problems with the creation kit and that I'd like you guys to hopefully save me in all my anger having spent hours on my cabin house.


So, I started making the walls for my cabin then decided to save it just in case the creation kit crashes. So then, I extended on my cabin adding beds and such and such and then saved it again. But, noticeably I couldn't save on the same esp file that I saved my walls on that I have previously done. A little strange but when I finished it and loaded it up into Skyrim, it was only my second save that loaded up (save with the beds etc) and not the save that had my walls and such to go along with it.


So, I've noticed that my first save has my walls and flooring and my second save has my beds and furniture.

I'm wondering if they is any way of combining the two saves together so I'm able to see my full house.



I'm hoping this made a little sense for you to understand and help me.


Best Regards,


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