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Messed up, can I go back?


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I recently re-started NV, and put some Mods in, one of which has removed the freeside shop I need to complete GI Blues, its just a brick wall and empty space, I deleted the mod, now I'm wondering if I go back to before it was installed, will the shop re-appear, or is that too simplistic?

I know I can just do Kings Gambit, and ignore GI Blues, as an easy way out because I've done a lot of stuff since then, but I was just wondering.

Thanks for any help, I haven't put up my specs, as I imagine its not needed for this Q.

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If you disable the mod and load a save before anything happened in freeside, you'll definitely be all right.


But you 'may' be able to just disable the mod and it'll be there, I'd give that a fifty/fifty chance of working.

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