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Lots of Ladies (or, why are we so preoccupied with modding just a few)


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Sorry if this belongs in the Mod Talk section. Anyway, we seem to be seriously preocuppied with modding tweaks or replacers for a relative handful of prominent NPCs, such as Jordis or Lydia. Failing that, we seem to resort much more frequently to creating stand alone or unique mods.


My question is: Why? In my travels out and about the world of Skyrim, I've run across a number of ladies that are either attractive, flirtatious, or simply standouts for some other reason. Frex, Vivienne from the alchemy shop in Solitude; Greta, the sister of the npc who was executed for treason in Solitude; Thane Bryling, from the Royal Court in Solitude, etc. They're all over the place.


This isn't to say that some few obscure npcs haven't been modded. They have. However, it seems to me that modders(I don't have the skill)focus rather heavily on those first encountered in the vanilla game, primarily those found in Whiterun.


One fun mod that I'd do if I had the skill would be one in which I was able to hook up with the Thane of Riften and become her Consort. Being of seriously advanced years myself, I find the more mature ladies to be attractive. In fact I'd prefer to associate with mods of those npcs since I tend to run toons that exhibit very high mileage...gray hair, bald on top, badly scarred, eye patched(cudos to the modder to developed the eye patch), and so on. In fact, if someone would develop a hook as a hand replacer I'd probably use it. Shields could be rigged to fit the hook, or blades could be modified as prosthetics.


I also like the jewelry and eye patch mods because they can be enchanted, thus expanding the potency of one's gear.

There is a simple answer toi your question

The majority of us are male and most of us prefer looking at a good looking collection of pixels instead of looking at some ugly dude for a few hours

pretty normal i think

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Sorry if this belongs in the Mod Talk section. Anyway, we seem to be seriously preocuppied with modding tweaks or replacers for a relative handful of prominent NPCs, such as Jordis or Lydia. Failing that, we seem to resort much more frequently to creating stand alone or unique mods.


My question is: Why? In my travels out and about the world of Skyrim, I've run across a number of ladies that are either attractive, flirtatious, or simply standouts for some other reason. Frex, Vivienne from the alchemy shop in Solitude; Greta, the sister of the npc who was executed for treason in Solitude; Thane Bryling, from the Royal Court in Solitude, etc. They're all over the place.


This isn't to say that some few obscure npcs haven't been modded. They have. However, it seems to me that modders(I don't have the skill)focus rather heavily on those first encountered in the vanilla game, primarily those found in Whiterun.


One fun mod that I'd do if I had the skill would be one in which I was able to hook up with the Thane of Riften and become her Consort. Being of seriously advanced years myself, I find the more mature ladies to be attractive. In fact I'd prefer to associate with mods of those npcs since I tend to run toons that exhibit very high mileage...gray hair, bald on top, badly scarred, eye patched(cudos to the modder to developed the eye patch), and so on. In fact, if someone would develop a hook as a hand replacer I'd probably use it. Shields could be rigged to fit the hook, or blades could be modified as prosthetics.


I also like the jewelry and eye patch mods because they can be enchanted, thus expanding the potency of one's gear.

There is a simple answer toi your question

The majority of us are male and most of us prefer looking at a good looking collection of pixels instead of looking at some ugly dude for a few hours

pretty normal i think


That doesnt answer his question at all and infact doesnt really have a whole lot to say about his question when you bring up male NPC's. He never mentioned male NPC's at all and the only male in his post is himself! He is obviously stating he finds other female NPC's aside from Lydia, jordis, and Aela to be attractive and is wondering why all those other NPC's rarely if ever get modded to make them more attractive or add features.

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