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Game freezing with teleport stones.


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Hello all, im making a mod for lakeview (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31380) and my next step was a teleport cavern.

I placed 9 teleport stones "AlikrBaseDoor" in the cavern, each one leading to one of the major cities inn's interior.

The problem Im having is that sometimes when I teleport from an inn to the cavern, then trying to exit the cavern through the main exit causes the game to freeze.

It doesnt happen all the time though, but its only when coming from an inn, then loading the lakeview area exterior.

Did I somehow screw up the exterior thats causing occational game freezing and how can I check for that stuff ?


All other combinations of teleporting (inn->cavern->inn) and (lakeview exterior->cavern->inn) seem to do just fine, its (inn->cavern->lakeview exterior) thats causing trouble.

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