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Problems downloading NVSE


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So, I'm kind of new to the modding scene. I have no idea how any of this works, just that I can get a ton of cool, player made content here. Some content I've tried to use requires the NVSE, but when I click on the files to download at the Silverlock site, it'll ask me if I want to open or save. If I click open, it just opens up a View Downloads window with a list of what I've downloaded (or tried to, in this case.) If I try to open the script extender files, it just refreshes the window. If it try to save, it saves it to the list with the only option of opening it, which just refreshes the window. I'm not very good with computers, so I'm honestly clueless here. I wouldn't be surprised if this is all my fault because I skipped a step or something, or maybe its just windows 8, I really don't know. I would greatly appreciate any help I can get.

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