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Sorting Advice Needed for Streamlined Mod Setup


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First of all, I'm new to modding, though I'm not techtarded by any means. Over the last few days I have been scouring the Nexus and trying out different mods, trying to decide how I want to really play the game for the next couple hundred hours. I have indeed found a setup I like, however I need some advice on conflicts, redundancies, and some of these steps have to be done in a certain order. The major problem is that for the last two days I have been trying to get everything updated to the proper versions etc, and things went awry. I'd like to just have a rock solid build with the mods I have chosen, so we're starting from a fresh install with HD Textures, Dawnguard and Dragonborn included. All tools to do this should be existing, so this is not a mod request, merely a sorting request. This may also serve as a guide toward the logic behind these steps for new modders to learn from if the responses are good enough. On to the list. I use NMM and assume these are all the latest updated full packages, I'd like to address the whole manual minor updates thing after the list.


SKSE 1.6.9



Skyrim Redone by T3nd0

Climates of Tamriel by JJC71

Realistic Lighting Overhaul by Sydney666 - Daemonui

Deadly Dragons by 3Jlou

Perk Reset - MCM and SkyRe Support by Keldis (might be unnecessary because of 'help "respec"' from SkyRe, I wasn't sure if it simply did a better job or something)



ACE BYOG by Athyra

ReProccer by T3nd0



Balbor and Steelsouls SkyRe ReProccer Project by Balbor and Steelsouls


User Interfaces:

SkyUI by SkyUI Team

RaceMenu by Expired

A Quality World Map by IcePenguin

Categorized Favorites Menu by favmenumodder

CFM SkyRe Config by Okal


Models and Retextures:

Skyrim HD 2k Textures Lite - Dungeons (has all up to date minus Riften packaged separately) by NebuLa

Skyrim HD 2k Textures Lite - Riften by NebuLa

Better Beast Races by Xenius

XCE - Xenius Character Enhancement by Xenius



Frostfall by Chesko


Gameplay Effects and Changes:

Night Eye Fix by Brandond1986

Quick Start by TSuser

Skyrim -Community- Uncapper by Elys



Deadly Combat by Borgut1337

Dodge Mod by Borgut1337

Dual Wield Parrying by Borgut1337



Hair and Face Models:

Better Vanilla Hairs by kebrus

Beards - High Resolution by Hverglmir



The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition by DaedalusAI


Animals, creatures, mounts, and horses: (I would really be interested in the mods that give horses from different areas different stats to make horse choice relevant but haven't included that yet)

SkyTEST Realistic Animals and Predators by Eta Yorius



Immersive Armors by hothtrooper44

Immersive Armors SkyRe Support by hothtrooper44

Spellbinder Armor by hothtrooper44 (Because it seems like this one has more colors than what is included with Immersive, I may just be nuts)

Armonizer by Ketaroz

Psychosteve's Dragon Priest Masks by Psychosteve

Blades Samurai Armor and Kimonos by Prime



Immersive Weapons by hothtrooper44

JaySuS Swords by JaySuS

Insanitys Celtic Katana by InsanitySorrow


As far as updating goes. Most of these have minor updates that are recommended to be done manually, apparently NMM doesn't handle these well at this stage. It doesn't recognize and correct the version displayed when I overwrite with the manually downloaded updates. Also, I have some confusion in terms of the order of adding patches to the ReProccer. I believe the order to be Install ReProccer, Install Manual Patches (Balbor and Steelsouls SkyRe ReProccer Project), Modify Block List, THEN run the ReProccer. I'm trying to eliminate as much as possible the item duplications etc. I think I probably have more than enough added to the game with the above list for a great playthrough. I'm happy to remove any direct conflicts or redundant mods, though there should be minimal direct conflicts. If anyone has suggestions for mods that perform the same function as but do a better job than what I have listed I would appreciate that as well.



Edited by williamwillbro
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