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savegames will saved as fos.tmp


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im playing fo3 on win7 ultimate. after harddrivecrash and new setup i cant load my saves.
so i peeked in my ...user\........mygames\fallout3\saves-folder, and i detecting that the savegames saved as name.fos.tmp.
i dont know whats wrong, on the last installation its worked well.
can anybody help?

edit: its a clean installation from goty-dvd without other mods as standart or other gamevariations.
on the same system running morrowind, oblivion, skyrim and fonv as well.
im confused.

Edited by li_chen_zau
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I am having the same issue.I am running win xp service pack 3..I did a fresh install and for some reason the game will crash when I try to save.It will save sometimes and then it just starts crashing sometimes.I am also getting the ".tmp" extension at the end of the file name for some of my saves.Seem to add the .tmp after a crash.I have about twenty mod running.Almost all I have used toghter before with no issues.Could this be a mod issue or what.Anyways any help would be great..Hope to hear soon from someone soon.I hate to spend another few hours installing fo3 and mods....



Thanks in advance


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i know a solution, it is quite bizar but it works. i have the same issue, and each time i start the game, it crashes when i save, all i do is kill myself before this, and it works. I think it has something to do with the game turning of the autosave option for a few seconds. After this is done i can save without it crashing.


Hope this help :D

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i know a solution, it is quite bizar but it works. i have the same issue, and each time i start the game, it crashes when i save, all i do is kill myself before this, and it works. I think it has something to do with the game turning of the autosave option for a few seconds. After this is done i can save without it crashing.


Hope this help :biggrin:



Thanks for the advice.I will try this and if it works will use until a I can track down the issue for a more logical approach "no pun intended".I am trying a few things I read on another post will FYI here if any of them work..Thanks again Tim

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  • 3 weeks later...

for a heads up, the .tmp extension usually indicates a corrupted save. killing yourself forces the game to reload ALL the data prior to that "un-corrupting" itself, if you will


saving over the same save file time after time will sometimes corrupt the save. with that, some people recommend using some form of autosave manager.

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