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Psiijic Gloves - Non Clipping


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Hello to all, I would like to ask for a mod that change the Psiijic Gloves texture to stop clipping (overlaping with your robes sleeves and it shows you) if you wear any other robe besides the Psiijic robe (I prefer the cultist robe lol)


So here is bassically what I request (2 Options):


1. A mod that cut out the Glove's textures beyond the wrist, akin to this mod but for the Psiijic Gloves (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8826)

2. Cut the Robe's Sleeves instead (would be far better specifically for the Psiijic Gloves actually)


JUST Please make sure the mod make it match with the Cultist Robes PLEASE!


Thanks in advance

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