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Papyrus log over 300mb after just an hour

Guest deleted1797581

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Guest deleted1797581

Yesterday I been having CTD which I seem to have fixed. But now my Papyrus log is over 300mb when only playing for an hour. It doesn't cause any lag or problems as far as I know but it worries me, I tried googling this issue but couldn't find anything. The log seems to be a single error repeating itself a hundred times a second.


These are the mods I'm using: http://prntscr.com/tsq9e


Here's the error:

[02/22/2013 - 06:59:33PM] warning:  (00052458): currently does not have 3d and cannot register for animation callbacks. Returni.
	[ (00052458)].TrapDweThresher.WaitForAnimationEvent() - "<native>" Line ?
	[ (00052458)].TrapDweThresher.fireTrap() - "TrapDweThresher.psc" Line 71
	[ (00052458)].TrapDweThresher.OnActivate() - "TrapBase.psc" Line 87



Anyone know what may be causing this?

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One of those spinning Dwemer blade traps you find in the ruins appears to have gone insane.


Try opening the console and typing this:


player.moveto 00052458


Be ready to move away quickly as you'll probably land right on the thing. Stand a little bit away from it and let it finish doing whatever it's doing. Then leave, and hopefully the issue stops after that.

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