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Armor (Changing skin to cloth material?)


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I'm attempting to change the exposed thighs in an armor to a cloth texture in nifskope. I've looked under the bslightingshaderproperty and changed the shader type from skintint to default, and changed the texture path to the one I want. Yet ingame it still uses a skin texture. Am I missing another step?

Any help is deeply appreciated.

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I'd solve it like this:


If you want to replace just a part of the skin texture (lets say you want to cover the thighs, but leave the arms untouched) you need to take an extra step:


- In Blender or 3DS Max, create a new material, and assign the appropriate vertex to the thighs. After exporting, you'll have a new NiTriShape for the thighs. (do this for both _0 and _1)


After the first extra step:


- First select the BSLightingShaderProperty from a NiNode that belongs to some clothing part, and copy the branch (CTRL+C) and paste it (CTRL+V).

- Delete the BSLightingShaderProperty on the thighs/body NiTriShape. In the same NiTriShape, change the property to the correct node you just pasted.

- Then just set the BSShaderTextureSet file assets.

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