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Dragonborn Temple of Miraak Bridge Glitch?


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I'm stuck in the Temple of Miraak and I can't tell if it's a glitch or if I missed something. I'm at a place where you pull a handle so that it opens a gated doorway. Behind the gate is a couple of wooden bridges which are up so that you can't pass into the next room, and there are some bone chimes hanging in front.

I can open the gate, but I can't get the bridges to fall so I can't progress. The walkthrough says the bridge is supposed to fall when you get near it.

I used tcl to get through, and then eventually after fighting some draugr and cultists I end up in a room with a new dragon shout and a big dragon skeleton on the wall, and Frea says to brace yourself but nothing happens.

Is this a known issue? I can't find anything on it anywhere.

Any way to trigger the bridges to fall and the fight via the console?




I looked at the walkthrough again, and there are some swinging blades that are supposed to fall before this point and Frea waits for you to stop them - those blades never fell for me - how do I trigger this stuff?

Edited by johnnyhaggis
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