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Editing collision sounds on meshes


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Let's say I've switched textures on a model, like having a wood floor instead of a brick one, or changing the icicle meshes into stalagmites. But they will still play the sounds related to their original texture material on collision, like footsteps or weapon impacts. How would I go about changing that? Is it done in the Creation Kit or in NifSkope, or with something else?


When browsing in NifSkope I came across some HavokMaterial parameters, and I have a suspicion it's related to that. I have no idea how to edit those properties though.

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i think it also embedded in the nif file(for the object), and definitely you'll need to use nifskope...i think its only changing the current material name for your object intp another type and was supported by Skyrim Havok Material.


Check this tutorial, helped me a lot for creating collision for customs object that i made, it also listed a complete list of skyrim havok material.

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Apologies for the late response, but thanks for your help. Managed to change the havok material, however I wasn't counting on the icicle mesh losing its original collision data just when making those changes in NifSkope... suppose I'll need to spend time on that too.


On a related note I still haven't figured out how to remove that blue/purple shine on the mesh which persists even though every listed texture has been changed. Is it some kind of specular map?

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