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Replace Main Female Voice


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Hi, guys! I'm fairly new at modding (Skyrim, at least) but I wanted to put my more useful skill, audio production, to good use. As I was playing recently, I wanted a female lead but was kinda put off by how masculine the female voices sound. Well, I wanted to go back and replace all the players audio with ones that I plan on recording with a few friends but I'm having a hard time finding where the players audio is in the creation kit. I assume it'd be in one central area but I won't get my hopes up.


Any assistance on this project would be fantastic. It's looking to be an ambitious project. I plan on recording alternative voice packs for at least 5 different female actresses.

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I don't know much about audio within the Creation Kit, but if all you want to do is replace current audio then you'll just need to replace the original voice files with your own.


The original voice files are located in Skyrims Data directory, within the file "Skyrim - Voices.bsa". As BSA files are a Bethesda file type you'll need an application such as Fallout Mod Manager which can associate itself with and open .BSA files. You'll probably want to extract all of the voice files from the .BSA to somewhere else on your computer, then simply look through the sound files and replace whichever ones you want.


If I recall correctly the folder structures and sound files have been named quite descriptively so you should be able to find what you want relatively quickly. However some Skyrim audio files use Bethesda specific audio formats - fuz and xwm (or something like that) - one type is for music, the other for speech. Some sound effects are wavs but they're reserved for effect sounds. If you find a voice sample that's in a Bethesda format you can download a Skyrim Audio Converter application which can do the encoding for you.


Lastly, if unaware you can test the audio by placing your modified (or original) sound file into the exact same folder location as if it had been extracted from the .BSA and it should replace and play your audio instead of the .BSA version. To explain a little further, if the files from Skyrim - Voices.bsa were in Skyrim in what's called "loose" format (not within a BSA archive) then the folder structure would be...




Hope that makes sense, and good luck with it all.

Edited by LargeStyle
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