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.50 Caliber Browning Heavy Machine Gun


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I'm sure this has been asked to death, and I know there are a couple mods out there that add one or something similar, but I really want a Fallout 76 style man-portable .50 Browning MG. The WH-Mk.22 (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21516) seems like the closest we've gotten to a real Browning MG, and while there is a mod out there that adds one ( https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/19417 ) it kind of seems like a proof of concept rather than a full on mod. I respect and admire the work that Skibadaa and WastelandMelody have done, but neither really scratch that Browning Machine Gun itch.

Edited by BRANCHY2000
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