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Alternate Ending Mod


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Hey guys,


So i havent made it to the ending yet but from what i understand you get the choice of either dieing or sending your significant other to die, either way that ending is depressing and will ruin the game, and i really like this game so I dont want to ruin it with an ending like that(much like s.t.a.l.k.e.r, got all the way to the end, my guy asked for money and was crushed by a bulding...great)


Im not sure if it is possible but if it is then please someone make it, possible alternatives are


- you can send one of your other companions to do the deed, some of them are immune to radiation so no death required(why you gotta die when someone that wont can go is beyond me)

- perhaps you dont have to go at all, they end a robot in to flip the switch and and all is well


or whatever else, be creative but dont make it depressing


Thanks guys!

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I haven't played through to the end yet, kinda dawdling and wasting my time tinkering with the geck lol


Again I do think people are interested in your idea, but not too many people check the Requests forum yet, because the GECK just came out people are still busy working on their own ideas.


This forum will get busy soon enough, once people start looking for new ideas :)

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I herd some where the X-box has like 12 endings, and you can live and get + major karma if you wear advanced rad suit and use radx. Doesn't work on the comp though. Why the hell should I die if I have a RADIATION SUIT and less then adv poison? And why can't fawkes go in? Or, better yet, why can't we send a protectetron in?


Edit: Oh, and you don't send your significant other in, just some one that is really close to being your significant other... Really suggestifvly close... Hmmmmm...

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I'd wait until Bethesda releases their DLC that continues the game after the main quest. It's supposed to pick up after the main quest, even if you sacrificed yourself.



yeah it's called "Broken Steel" guess they realized that the ending sucked too, prolly got craploads of complaints about it all. I got a mod already that allows me to continue playing after the main quest, even removes the rads from the river.

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The ending was definetly not well thought out, I visted the official fallout 3 forums and they get hundreds of complaints about the ending from the looks of it.


Im glad that their brining out 3 exapnsions, but i have a bad idea their gonna be over priced, probably like 40$ minimum, i already paid 60 for the game expansions sohuld only be a few bucks, atleast IMHO


anyways, i really hope someone changes the ending, im nowhere near it (atleast I dont think) as im taking my time and exploring every bit of the wasteland, so hopefully by the time i get there, there will be a mod

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/bump My brother just completed the game and the ending sucks. Charon (ghoul so shouldn't have a problem) or SGT RL-3 could have easily saved your ass there. According to the wiki you can send Charon in but I assume he dies. Failing that, the adv radiation suit, the 20 rad-X and 5 rad-away I carry should do something lol.

Azron could you link to the mod you mentioned?

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