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Craftable Arrows - I need help


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I'm making a mod that allows you to temper your arrows. It's not exactly tempering, but by using arrows you have, you can craft better ones of the same type.


For the ingredients of creating a regular set of arrows ex:


Daedric Arrows


1 Ebony Ingot

1 Firewood

1 Daedra Heart = 24 Daedric Arrows


With my mod, 24 Daedric Arrows + 1 Ebony Ingot + 1 Firewood = 22 Daedric Arrows (Fine)


These arrows will have more damage and value.


THere is one problem I'm running into, however.


Is there a way that I can set the category of a crafting recipe? Currenlty, it shows up in the Misc section. Also, is there a way that I can hide the arrows Superior, Exquisite, Flawless, Epic, and Legendary unless you have the arrow required to make it?


So you couldn't see the crafting recipe for Legendary unless you have Epic arrows to make them with?

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