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As my previous idea IS-IV,


Nothings really changed, sort of like order of the dragon,

Actually alot like order of the dragon,

except you don't get little eggs.


Sorry but what can i do.



For the first thing i'd like to establish some rules.

4 exactly

1st. Adhere to the rules of the FORUMS,

2nd. Adhere to the rules of Philosopher 101.

3rd. Adhere to the first 2 rules,

4th There are no other rules.


Have fun!

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Get a room.


You can find them in the east wing of the guild hall.

I didn't say sex slave, please remove your mind from the gutter...*click*...meanie :biggrin:


But you implied it, don#t think i don't know what's going on...

Eh what am i saying i can't mad at anyone.

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Get a room.


You can find them in the east wing of the guild hall.

I didn't say sex slave, please remove your mind from the gutter...*click*...meanie :biggrin:


But you implied it, don#t think i don't know what's going on...

Eh what am i saying i can't mad at anyone.


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