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A few problems


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Hi everyone,


After just discovering the most wonderfull game in the world for PC it just got a whole lot better now that I have discovered the world of Skyrim Mods. I have a fairly high end PC and have no problem running the Vanilla game on Ultra. For the first 80 hours with no Mods it ran perfect. I then installed Hearthfire and the high res texture packs, still perfect. However after installing SKSE and the SKYUI, everytime I start a game from a freshly booted PC I get a notice as the game loads that SKSE has not loaded correctly. The SKYUI works except for the icons obviously because SKSE did not initialize properly. However if I exit to desktop and reload Skyrim it funtions perfectly. Could it be the load order?


Also after installing Frostfall I can get anywhere between 1 and 2 hours of gameplay at 60fps and then when I go indoors through a load screen and then back outdoors my fps drops to 10 and stays that way, but only outdoors. If I exit to desktop and reload the game all is well for another couple of hours. I can go in and outdoors many times and then that one time it happens. This only started occuring after installing Frostfall. It is not a big enough deal to uninstall Frostfall because it, along with Imps makes the game 10 times better so it is worth it. But does anyone know what the heck is going on?


I am running everything through Nexus Mod Manager.


Thanks allot for any feedback in advance.



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Keep in mind that the game engine is aging poorly and can only take so much, regardless of how powerful your rig might be. If you post your BOSS log (with the messages), we an take a look and see if you might need to trim a bit.

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