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Infinite cd shout bug


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Hmm... At low player levels and without a Talos medallion, shout cooldown takes a brutally long time, and even with the Talos medallion it still takes way too long imo...


Anyway... as a workaround until your shout skills improve and you level up some more, you could try the following console cheat to speed up the cooldown. (not exactly sure this will work but it can't hurt to try it. At least for the tests...Though I suppose it might be worthless in battle. Best to have some magic or weapons at the ready once you've used your one shout.)

  1. enter console mode (hit ~)
  2. enter SGTM 5.0 (speeds game time up 5x)
  3. exit console mode (hit ~)
  4. wait for the shout to clear
  5. enter console mode (hit ~)
  6. enter SGTM 1.0 (resets game time)
  7. exit console mode (hit ~)

see https://skyrimcommands.com/command/sgtm for more on console sgtm command.


personally speaking, I think the game's lengthy default cooldown times are a total detraction from and impediment to using shouts in general...I mean I get it, you don't want a level 1,2,3,4,5 player having god level powers so early, but rilly

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Hmm... At low player levels and without a Talos medallion, shout cooldown takes a brutally long time, and even with the Talos medallion it still takes way too long imo...


Anyway... as a workaround until your shout skills improve and you level up some more, you could try the following console cheat to speed up the cooldown. (not exactly sure this will work but it can't hurt to try it)

  1. enter console mode (hit ~)
  2. enter SGTM 5.0 (speeds game time up 5x)
  3. exit console mode (hit ~)
  4. wait for the shout to clear
  5. enter console mode (hit ~)
  6. enter SGTM 1.0 (resets game time)
  7. exit console mode (hit ~)

see https://skyrimcommands.com/command/sgtm for more on console sgtm command.


personally speaking, I think the game's lengthy default cooldown times are a total detraction from and impediment to using shouts in general...I mean I get it, you don't want a level 1,2,3,4,5 player having god level powers so early, but rilly

After I introduced SGTM 5.0 and SGTM 1.0, the shout cooldown is much smaller than it was originally. Apparently it was a bug from the very beginning of the game :smile: Thank you very much for help!

Edited by ShadowDefiler
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The effect is temporary, only as long as SGTM is set to the high value. Like I said, it was a guess-fix workaround.

Definingly not a solution for long term play anyway.... SGTM only speeds the game while set to a value above 1 (and conversely slower if set below 1). once the value has been reset to 1, you're back where you were.


The real solution, if there is any, is you continuing leveling your player, get the Talos medallion, and much later on, get the other shout medallion (medu--something-something can't recall the name) medallion. . There are also some buffs and afaik some enchantments you can do along the way that can speed up your cooldown, although I can't recall the specifics.

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