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A simple miqote request


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Hello~ I've been searching and searching for a mod similar to this: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/36018 , and came up short. I know there's already a mod with the miqote race, but the ears aren't quite what I'm looking for. I'd love to be able to edit the ears, and simply pull them back to match the actual ears of FF's miqote, but I have no experience in modding. Yes, I have attempted to learn the ways of modding with blender, Niskope, etc, but it's a little difficult for me to understand. Plus, I'm not sure if editing that person's mod, is acceptable. :x


I'm aware that there is another thread, asking for this, but that was some time ago, and I wish not to post on an old, dead request. If someone could make this request into a reality, I'd love you forever! Thank you!

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