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Creation kit and mod armor


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Maybe someone can help me:

I created a small group of bandits in the Creation kit and gave some of them different mod armors and/or clothes.

But they don't wear them in the game. Instead they run around naked.

The armors and clothes appear in their inventory, i can loot them and use them normally - the Npc's just don't wear them.

Any ideas what's going wrong?

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I can't give them the armors via outfit - they don't appear in there, only the armors and clothes from the basic game. No mod armor or clothes.


thats because thats the way Outfits work. the game checks if the NPC has a given outfit equipped or not, and if not, gives it to them to equip

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You have a misconception about what Outfits are... an Outfit, is a FormList created in the CK that accepts specifically armors, clothing etc. You have to create first an Outfit before you can see it listed in the Outfit listbox ofc. If you are using a Mod that adds armors to the game, an Outfit is not required. But if you want to use those armors in an Outfit, you have 2 options:


Either edit change anything in that mod, including creating the Outfit/NPCs/whatever in hthe same ESP, or change the armor mod to an ESM, and when doing your own mod, make it the armor mod to work as master.

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Ah, thank you, didn't know that. I thought it would be like the Fallout editor, simply put whatever you like the NPCs to wear in their inventory.


In fact, i already converted the armor mod to an esp., but that didn't help in any way.

So, in other words, if the mod only adds an armor or clothing somewhere, outfit is not required. But at the moment i want a NPC to wear this armor or clothing, it is required?

Sorry, i am quite a noob in modding.

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