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Issue with BodySLide and SkyrimSE


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after running bodyslide none of the outfits marked as SMP are showing up in game


SkyrimSE 1.5.97


Using Mod Organizer 2


OS Windows 10

a Ryzen 3 processor 3rd gen

16gb of Ram

roughly 1tb free space on the drive Skyrim and MO are installed to


C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition is the game path and C:\Games\MO is the Mod Organizer path


I have run loot several times as well as created a bash patch

I am using the CBBE 3BBB body

I have batch run Bodyslide with build morphs ticked


Everything was recently (last week or so) downloaded and installed due to losing everything in an OS reinstall


Bodyslide claims to process all outfits with no errors.


I can see the individual outfits in the preview in bodyslide though one or two are not matching the body properly. The outfit reflects the settngs in bodyslide but the body under the clothes doesnt and I know I have had them working properly before




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