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Francescos not working


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<p><p>I have been trying to get Francescos overhaul to work, but no matter what I do, it won't work. Here's what is happening; whenever I have the mod turned on, my game will crash&nbsp;every time&nbsp;I go near the Imperial City and the dungeons near it, but when I'm near Anvil it doesn't crash. I tried it with it being the only other mod installed (other than Alternative Start by Robert Evrae and all the&nbsp;official&nbsp;DLC mods and expansions). I've changed the load order so the esp files are on the top and I've tried with them on the bottom. I have no idea what to do next. Please help.</p><br />

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<p>EDIT: I think I'm stupid, I only had the esm and esp files installed in my computer, I'll try installing all of the mod to see if that will make it work</p></p>

<p>EDIT: I am stupid, it is now fixed</p>

Edited by OblivionBonez
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