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Make NPC Disappear at Intervals?


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I have an unique NPC that I made, and I want him to show up at a certain place for 12 hours of the day, and disappear completely the other 12 hours.


I don't want him to be anywhere at ALL that the player can find during the 12 hours he's not in the target location.


Is there some way to disable him somehow for certain hours in the day?

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Maybe teleport them somewhere inaccessible when you don't need em. I think there's a room that all the NPC corpses are teleported to or something.


So if there a way to do that through the editors, or would I need to write a script for that? Meaning, to teleport them. I originally started the NPC is an inaccessible cell but, appears they can't travel on their own without a path.


I'm trying right now to use fragments to flip an xmarker back and forth with the NPC enabled by it, we'll see if it works.

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xmarkers won't work. teleport sorta does... problem is now, trying to have the NPC walk to the door before teleporting and... apparently that's too much to ask. sigh. if I use a fargment at the start of the package to sandbox in the inaccessible place, that works... they port when that starts. but disappear in front of your eyes, so it looks stupid. so if i have them travel to the door right before via a travel command... and then port at the end of that package... nothing. just sits there.


less than enthralled with the npc behaviors, so quirky.

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OK in case anyone finds this thread looking for the answer:


1) Set the NPCs editor reference in an inaccessible place.

2) Create your sandbox package and schedule it for when you want the NPC in public.

3) Use a papyrus fragment when the package starts to teleport the NPC to a marker near a door -- this way it looks like they just entered. Use ActorRef.MoveTo(MarkernearDoorRef) to accomplish this.

4) When you want them to leave back to sandbox in the inaccissble area, first run a travel to the door package. Then once there, have the package end by porting the actor back with ActorRef.MoveToMyEditorLocation(). This makes it look like they left out the door.


I had some issues getting the NPC to travel... eventually it worked, not sure why.

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