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[REL/WIP] Lootification - Automatically enchant and distribute modded


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There are many great mods that add weapons and armor to Skyrim but they all
suffer the same basic problem: They don't do a great job getting their
new items out in the world of Skyrim. The better mods will add their
items to a few leveled lists but even then you won't find enchanted
versions. This isn't the modder's fault, Bethesda made it very time
consuming to enchant and distribute new weapons and armors.

Fortunately Lootification makes it very easy. Simply choose a vanilla weapon or
armor roughly equivalent to your modded one and Lootification will
enchant your item with the same enchants as the vanilla one and insert
your modded items into leveledlists and outfits where the vanilla item
shows up.



Now almost anywhere that an ebony weapon or armor would show up has a chance of being an ivory item instead.

First make sure the mod you want to lootify is clean. Make sure it doesn't
add its items to leveled lists or outfits since they will end up as
duplicates. Also make sure it doesn't modify the vanilla unenchanted
weapons and armor or the patcher will get confused. Then deactivate all
mods but lootification.esm and the mod you want to lootify and run the
patcher. Choose your mod on the left side, then choose the item to mimic
for each weapon and armor piece from the drop down menus and click
'set'. It will suggest a choice based on material type but you have to
click set even if you use the suggested one. Once every item is set
click the patch button in the top right and wait a bit. It will output
LLI.esp to your data folder. Rename it to &--#60;mod
name&--#62;_LLI.esp and activate it below the mod in your load
order. Repeat for any other weapon and armor mods you have. If you are a
mod maker go ahead and merge your mod and the LLI file.

Once you have patched all the files you want make a merged patch so everything shows up in game.

Source code is at http://code.google.com/p/lootification/ for anyone interested.

I've made patches for Immersive Armors, Crafting300 and a few other mods
I like. These are esp's only, you still need the full install of the
mod for them to work. If you make a patch feel free to send it in and
I'll post it.

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