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Custom armor issue - No parent node for 100% weight armor


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I'm getting these two errors when I try to render npc's with my custom armor.

Could not find parent node extra data for (null).
BSBodyMorph::InterpObject() Node Array sizes between morph models don't match.

The first issue only appears on 100% weight npc's while the second happens for 0-99%
The _0 and _1 armors are exactly the same, they are copies of eachother.

The models render correctly in skyrim and the creationkit, except when I try to make an actor wear them.
I don't think this is a skeleton issue as this is the exact same skeleton from another mod which does work and I don't see anything wrong with my nif setup (the dismember partitions are correct too).

Anyone had a similar problem and know the solution for this?

EDIT: I have tested it some more ingame, it might be related to the weightpainting or skeleton attachement, the armor doesn't move with the rest of the body and just floats behind.

I have followed the instructions from the video from this tutorial:


Edited by Hellscreamy
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- You either deleted the weightpainting groups

- Or you didnt imported a skeleton to be parent of the mesh


Although that tutorial is right, is fairly incomplete if you don't have enough experience, I would advise you to use this one instead:




But thumbs up if you're using shape keys, thats the way to go =)

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Thanks for the reply, I've based my model on another skyrim model and I added the exact same groups with added weights. I clicked the mesh and then imported the skeleton, the armor follows the body so I think the problem doesn't lie with the skeleton parenting.

I'll try to do the weightpainting the normal way this time but either copying it from another mesh or doing it myself.


I don't really understand what you mean with the shapekeys, do you mean that I should use shapekeys for the creation of _0 & _1 bodies?

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