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CTD when trying to fast travel from solstheim to skyrim.


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When ever I try to travel from solstheim to skyrim, be it thru fast travel or talking to the captain of the ship my game ctd. Everything works fine when I am in solstheim. I can fast travel to any location, walk around, engage in fights, etc and there is no problem but the moment I try to go to skyrim it ctd. Has anyone else encountered this problem or know of a way to fix it? I recently added SKSE Scripts to use the Sky UI mod and the current deadly dragons mod but even if I disable them I still encounter the same problem or sometimes I am unable to load the save all together. Also when trying to load an older save with the mods enabled it ctd as well. Your help is greatly appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi. I am having the problem same as above just can't get back to Skyrim it can't be just the 3 of us.

I f some out there knows how to put it right or what I am doing wrong help please. Have know Mods loaded

that need Dragonborn.

Cheers Bullybull

Edited by Bullybeef
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Hi. Can now get to Skyrim how many follows are you taking back with you. I took 7 to Solstheim on taking them all back game ctd's. left 5 waiting fast traveled to skyrim ok went whiterun then back to Solstheim got the 5 no trouble going back to skyrim. Hope this works for you.

Cheers Bullybeef

Edited by Bullybeef
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Try getting rid of all of your map ini tweaks (just delete everything under the [mapmenu] category from your skyrim.ini file).

I had the problem and fixed it this way. If that doesn't work you can always use the "coc" and "cow" commands to teleport yourself.

Edited by ym0671
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  • 2 weeks later...

Two methods that I've used (now on second character & still get hung on return trip).


1. Console command "COC whiterun" will get you back but you may get a CTD within a few seconds after arrival. To get around this possibility, do a hard save immediately upon arriving outside Whiterun. If you CTD, just restart the game and load the hard save. It should be OK from that point.


2. IF you have your spouse with you as a follower in Solstheim, just speak to them and use the "Let's go home" option. This worked for me without a hitch (no CTD after arriving home).


Just FYI, in my first Dragonborn DLC playthrough I could never get back no matter how long I stayed in Solstheim, no matter how many quests I completed. I ended up playing through the entire thing and never got the ship or map marker return to work. I used option 2 above to get back to Skyrim every time.

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  • 1 year later...

i can answer 1 metod copul time i fix it disable auto save on travel on sleep and on Wait and then delite somme save thet you dont need and load your save game it will work 80%-100% and use only Quiq save F5 a end for 100% do tose metods and Start a New Game
2 Metod sommo of the mosd corrupt your game line quist mods or Travell or Sex mods or Body modifires like SoS Cbbe v3 Remodeled and Frost Fall instal SkyUi and Resser your Game meens New game :D happy playing

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