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Is there a way to identify which BSA's contain which nifs? (mostly for conflict checking)


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So, in MO it won't show seperate nifs which are loaded (because assuming) they're already compacted into .bsa files. Is there a way to identify which .nif files may be in conflict with each other?
My purpose for wanting to know is to find out why certain objects (like below) may look a weird way. The one below is super shiny, and I'm wondering if a different load order would change it.
Thanks in advance!


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AFAIK, there is no "automated" tool to see conflicts within BSAs. You'll have to figure that out yourself - by extracting BSAs as mentioned above.


Basic rules:

- Loose files always "win" over files in BSAs

- When there are several mods using BSAs, the plugin loaded last will "win"


Regarding shiny objects especially on landscape and architecture:

These are usually textures from LE not ported properly. In SE, landscape textures can have an alpha channel within their normal maps. This alpha channel basically tells the game how "shiny" an object should be. LE landscape/architecture textures don't have that. If you use an "Oldrim" landscape texture in SE, the missing alpha channel is interpreted by the game as "white", meaning "very shiny".



- If your skilled in modifying textures, create a black alpha channel

- Otherwise: Only use landscape textures properly ported to SE

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