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Dragonborn quest glitch/bug help


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In the quest, " The Path of Knowledge" where you have to speak to the dark elf about the black books,

when I enter his house and press "E" to float up, my character just stands there and won't float to the top of his house.

I've tried multiple times and my character never floats up. I've tried holding down "E", tapping it, jumping, but to

no avail. I can't proceed with the main quest of this DLC because of it. Has anyone else experienced this, is there

any way to fix it to proceed? Please help!

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To fix this issue (and other issues, like messed up controls in the black book worlds), go into data/meshes/actors/character/animations and remove or rename your defaultmale and defaultfemale hkx files


Yeah, I figured that out on my own but... I was wondering if anyone here has the know-how to extract the new Dragonborn HKX files and merge them with the mod versions... Anyone? :)

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