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Stormbringer Mod Looking For Modders


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We're working on a Stormbringer mod for Skyrim SE and are looking for modders to help with scripting, quest, voiceovers, internal environments, character editing, and possibly custom meshes and textures for a ring and a sword. Please pm me if interested.


The mod is based on part of the Elric saga, and will be a small quest mod with a couple environments, 3 custom npcs, and two enchanted objects requiring scripting and custom meshes and textures.


For those who aren't familiar with Stormbringer:

"Stormbringer is a magic sword featured in stories by Michael Moorcock. Created by the forces of Chaos, it is a huge, black sword covered with runes...This powerful enchanted black blade is a member of a demon race that takes on the form of a sword. Stormbringer's edge is capable of cutting through virtually any material not protected by potent sorcery, and it can drink the soul from an unprotected human upon delivering any wound, even a scratch." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stormbringer


There are parts of TES that are obviously based off Elric's saga, so I think the mod should flow seamlessly with TES lore.

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Update: we have the custom textures and meshes for Elric's sword and ring, and the sword is finished, so now just need help with scripting, quest, voiceovers, internal environments, and character editing. Please pm me if interested.
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