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Quick Dawnguard Spell Question


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I hope this is the right section, haven't posted in a while...


1. Can I mod the Vampire Lord default abilities/spells without creating new ones? So that when i enter the game the spells i already have are already modded from creation kit? (EDIT: To clarify, i know it may create a new esp and that the default file cant be changed, but what i mean is i dont want duplicate vampire lord spells ...basically, when i enter vampire lord mode, i want the abilities that were already there before modding to be the tweaked ones, i.e. bats power having no cooldown so i can dodge non stop//Edit)


2. How do I make the "Bats" Power have No-Cooldown? Currently the game has a 20 second cooldown after two uses...And if it's not too hard, how do i extend the distance that it can go ?


3. How do I make the "Supernatural Reflexes" power make me move much faster? I don't care how it's done, either by making the world around me move slower, or by speeding me up (I want to be able to dodge arrows shot directly in my face) Figured this one out on my own....Just need help with question bats cooldown....Hopefully the 'smart' people tonight are in loving and sharing moods....


(EDIT: oh and i forgot to ask, i have some vampire lord mods already that modify some base damage, and some other stuff, however none of them mod the bats spells...will those other mods prevent me from achieving what i want with the default vampire lord spells?)


Thanks (I got the night off from work, so hopefully i can learn how to do it before bed lol)

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